Coventry 11.7.23


We were ‘sent to Coventry’ in 1990

a good term, at first, and nothing alien 

spending six years in a vibrant city

out in the suburb of Holbrooks

as a family just made five

by the birth of Anthony James.

Our sending we thought came from God

through the invitation of Bishop Simon

to further grow Saint Luke’s Church

in faith, love and numbers

following 39 years of Father Henry

a legend in the land!

Fr John set to work visiting, 

James often in his backpack.

Anne made the Vicarage home

studying, drawing and painting.

David to Bluecoat and University,

John to Cardinal Newman.

What a privilege to live in a city

after years in the forest of Guyana!

A city like Christ, dying then rising,

with bombed ruins beside a new Cathedral,

image of forgiveness extended to all

through the Coventry cross of nails.

At St Luke’s the Anglocatholic vision

became a Cross through being set apart 

from mainstream Church of England 

by the ordination of women priests,   

the need to rejoice with the rejoicing 

and mourn loss of Catholic vision.

This was John’s true ‘sending to Coventry’ 

with Anne carrying much of his pain, 

assuaged by the joy of toddler James

as both Church and family grew up,

confused by Christian divisions,

yet finding gain through pain.

One gain was moving to a house

on the slopes of Alexandra Palace and

a London mission role with Bishop Brian.

We headed south with James and John,

and new work for John, Anne and David,

starting a new chapter of life together.

John Twisleton   11 July 2023



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