James Webb Telescope



When human beings first eyed the sky

They found schooling in time, night and day,

Month and year, an aid to fruitful living,

Birth of strategic planning and planting.

Constellations, shapes in the sky,

Became guides through earth’s seasons 

Named in Latin by astronomers distilling 

a thousand namings across the globe.

Eyes grew far-sighted through glass.

Galileo’s telescope putting us in our place

Alongside moon, planets and stars

And galaxies humbling our own.

Now awesome images emerge from 

James Webb space telescope 

Lending sight of exo-planets

Through man-made eyes seeing infrared.

As human eyes expand their sight

To see beyond our galaxy

We catch the twinkle in God’s eyes

Reflected in sparkling immensity.

John Twisleton 13 July 2022


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